Elearn.nouedu2.net Login Link – How to Change Elearn.nouedu2.net Password & Sign in

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noun Elearn.nouedu2.net

This page provides a detailed guide on How to access the Elearn.nouedu2.net Login link, change portal password and sign in as a student of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN), This method works for both newly admitted and returning students of this academic institution.

Are you a newly admitted (fresh) student of NOUN or a returning student? If you’re newly admitted, I’ll recommend you sign into the elearn portal to check your TMA scores, business plan submission, etc. This article will guide you on how to log in to your NOUN elearn portal and process so many things yourself.

LATEST UPDATE ON elearn.nouedu2.net:
It’s of utmost importance that all students should be fully aware that the ELEARN website has undergone a change in its web address. The previous address, elearn.nouedu2.net, has been updated to the new address, Elearn.nou.edu.ng.

Applicants, students and those interested in knowing about current NOUN news, should know that the National Open University of Nigeria has five different websites to enable students of the institution carry out various activities, making it easier for its students to access its huge wealth of knowledge.

  1. The https://www.nouonline.net is mostly centered round admission.
  2. While students searching for NOUN course materials and other handbooks can do so at https://www.nou.edu.ng,
  3. For projects, seminars and other non-examinable courses, students can access them at https://www.mylearningspace.edu.

4. Another National open University website was specifically created to cater for student’s analysis, where students can easily check/see their performance and results that have been released to them right from their 100 levels down to their current levels (even to their final year).

However, this NOUN site does not exclude the total points earned and the outstanding courses left to be registered, if there are any unregistered course.

Last on this list is the elearn portal, previously known as elearn.nouedu2.net. The elearn.nouedu2.net portal is publicly known as the GST portal by all National Open University students.

Features of the NOUN eLearn Portal.

Some students of the prestigious National Open University of Nigeria are not aware that the elearn.nou.edu.ng portal is one of the most crucial websites of the institution, because students are capable of acheiving the following through this portal, including:

  1. Online facilitations for all departments.
  2. Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA).
  3. GST 302 – Business Plan creation and submission.
  4. Discussion Forums (Includes Facilitators and students from all around the country).
  5. TMA Grades visibility.
  6. Courses progress (This is usually displayed in percentage %).
  7. Students questionnaire (To solve challenges or to improve in some aspect of study).
  8. Full view of students’ dashboards.
  9. List of all registered courses and examinations.

However, one of the biggest challenges both new and returning (old students) face, is how to easily access/login to your elearn portal. We’ll certainly provide you with a simple guideline on How to achieve this.

How to Login to NOUN elearn.nouedu2.net Portal.

1. To access your elearn.nouedu2.net personalized dashboard, switch on your data, open your browser, search for the website (https://elearn.nou.edu.ng or visit https://elearn.nouedu2.net)

2. When the website loads up, proceed and click on the login link. On the next page, enter your username and password in their appropriate columns. As a registered NOUN student, you already have the credentials required to login to the elearn.nou.edu.ng portal.

3. In the Username box, simply enter your matriculation number in small letters. Your matriculation number is both the username and password you can use to sign in.

4. If this is your first time signing into the elearn.nou.edu.ng platform, I’ll suggest that you quickly change the default password which is your matriculation number to any other word, character or symbol of your choice that you can remember anytime. However, if you don’t want to change your password from the default one, there’s no penalty to keeping the default password.

5. After you’ve successfully logged into the NOUN portal, there will be a prompt, asking you to save the details which you have used to log in to https://elearn.nouedu2.net. I’ll advise you save it, so you won’t have any issues when accessing the elearn NOUN portal whenever you want.

6. While for returning students, each semester, the elearn portal is automatically updated and upgraded. This means that your previous password, will be reset to the default password (which was your Matric number) which is your matriculation number in small letters.

Finally, it is important to to say here that the elearn.nouedu2.net can be accessed any time any day by all levels of students of the National Open University.

About TY 99 Articles
A graduate of Nigerian tertiary institution student who knows the stress of writing examinations, and seeking admissions. Nouonlinenews.com provides the latest and current NOUN information, giving you the much-needed assurance you need.

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